Wednesday, April 25, 2012

He Knew

I've always believed that God gives you the family that you were meant to have. Whether that be the numbe of kids you have, the ages between your children, or their gender...He knows what he is doing and does it for a reason.

I could not be happier that He knew that these 2 boys were just the perfect fit for me.

I'm so blessed to be a Momma to these brothers!

Sesame Street Live “Elmo’s Super Heroes” Ticket Giveaway

Giveaway is Closed.

Congrats to Sharon for winning the tickets!

What: Sesame Street Live "Elmo’s Super Heroes"

Calling all super heroes! Super Grover needs your help – and it’s Elmo and the Fabulous Five to the rescue when this fantastic musical production zooms into Des Moines. Join Elmo, Zoe, Abby Cadabby, Telly Monster and Zoe’s pet rock Rocco for Sesame Street Live “Elmo’s Super Heroes” at Wells Fargo Arena from Friday, May 18 through Sunday, May 20. Tickets for all six performances are on sale now!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do They Look Alike?

D is for Drake

C is for Charlie

I can see some of the same features but I don't think they look that much alike.

What do you think?!?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Charmingly Charlie

Charlie turned 3 weeks old yesterday and with each passing day I feel like I'm getting to know my littlest more and more!

These are the things I want to remember about Charlie right now-

  • His love for cuddling. He is happiest all snuggled up against someone's chest. And it seems like he has a special spot for his Momma, as I can usually calm him right down just by picking him up

  • He weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces at his 2 week visit

  • He is over all a pretty laid back baby

  • He usually goes down for the night between 10-11 and is up around 2 to eat and then is down again until 5:30 or 6:00

  • He loves to be swaddled

  • He hates getting buckled in the car

  • He loves his bath

  • Drake's screaming, crying, or just overall loudness does not bother him at all

  • He fits right into our family like he has always been here

  • He really is a charming little guy with his easy-going personality and handsome looks :)

And to make my heart melt even more I convinced Drake to finally hold his brother for the first time last week and it resulted in this sweet picture of my boys. Seriously,cutest picture I own.




Monday, April 2, 2012

Room for Two

From the moment the 2 pink lines showed up on the pregnancy test until the second Charlie was born, I wondered how I could ever love another child as much as I loved Drake.

I had never known the kind of love I was capable of until Drake was born and I had a hard time imagining that I could feel that way again.

Boy was I ever wrong.

This picture captures the moment when I met Charlie for the 1st time.

And the moment I fell in love.

A deep love...just like I feel for his brother.

These two?

They showed me that there is plenty of room for two in my heart.

And it just so happens they each own a pretty good chunk of it.