Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Break

I always have the best of intentions to get things done-housework, cooking, laundry, writing a blog post  and visiting and commenting on blogs I read just to name a few things.

But for whatever reason those things have seemed to be taking a back burner as I  fill up the baby pool in the backyard,  eat snow cones with the neighbors, take a bike ride with my family, and stay up too late watching TV after a long day in the sun.

After all it is pretty hard to say no to face like this

And pretty easy to say no to the things that can wait.

So thank you for sticking around my little blog and understanding that things are just a little slow around here this summer as I say no to the things that can wait and yes to the things that can't -like making a last minute decision to hit the pool.

I will still be around but things will just keep moving at the summer pace here on Sassy Silly Spunky Momma. Please stay tuned though because my blog is undergoing a makeover and I have a few other surprises for you all well!!

I'm off to enjoy the last few hours of my weekend!


  1. I think everyone is slowing down this summer! I know I sure have. Sometimes taking time for the little things is way more important than editing a blog post!

  2. Enjoy your rest! I unplugged for the weekend, and it was awesome!
