Monday, June 8, 2009

Things I am Enjoying...

  • Watermelon...and LOTS of it
  • Sitting in the sun. Most of my cute summer clothes do not fit, but at least I will not be white as a ghost in my not so fun maternity wear
  • Spending time with B. He does not work Saturday's anymore so we have been able to enjoy the farmers market, long lunches out, and just hanging out. He has worked almost every Saturday since we have been married, so this is a GREAT change
  • The farmers market. I love to go and look, people watch and of course eat
  • Washing and folding all the baby clothes. Baby C has enough that he can probably wear a different outfit for most of his first year
  • Feeling Baby C move around. He has gotten so crazy in there. He is also big enough that I can sometimes feel his little foot, or see him stick his butt out...nothing cuter
  • Snuggling with S in bed. He LOVES to snuggle and this has become a morning routine. He actually thinks he is a person because he like to have his head on a pillow
  • Knowing that a glass of wine, a good pain medication, my awesome allergy med Allegra, a really great workout, my favorite jeans, sleeping on my stomach, and a super hot bath are only 2 months away makes me SO happy
  • Weekend nights hanging out with the neighbors catching up
  • Going on Sunday afternoon drives with B and S
  • Eating DQ ice cream without feeling guilty
It really is the little things in life that make it so much fun!

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