Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dear Baby C...

Dear Baby C,
This is your momma writing you. I wanted to put down in words some things that I hope you learn and pieces of advice I would like to give you.
  • Don't grow up too fast.
  • Try your hardest at everything you do. If you do that your dad and I will always be proud no matter what the outcome.
  • Always remember that some friendship will come and go, but your family is forever.
  • Ride your bike, throw the football around with your dad, catch bugs, play in the mud, and just enjoy the simple things in life.
  • Eat lots of ice cream in the summer
  • Always stand up for yourself. You have to believe in yourself before anyone else will believe in you.
  • Share
  • Read books. This is a great way to escape the real world and go where the book takes you
  • Run and play with your dog, he will be one of your best friends
  • When you start to date, be a gentleman. Open doors for her..she will notice. When in doubt take cues from your dad, he does a pretty good job at treating girls with respect and love.
  • Snow days are for eating junk, watching movie and playing games. You will love these days!
  • Love with all your heart and never hold back, you might get hurt but it is so much better than not loving at all.
  • Play in the sprinkler, jump off the high board at the pool, and get the water guns out at night. That is what summer is for.
  • Always know that you are me, by your dad, by your nana and papa, and grandma and grandpa, and aunts and uncles, and your cousin, and the so many other people who will meet you and love you. Always remember this.
These are just a few of the things I hope that you will learn. Can't wait to meet you and give you lots of cuddles, love and kisses.
Your Mom

1 comment:

  1. GREAT idea to write to him via the blog & GREAT "advice." Baby C is going to be an incredibly BLESSED li'l boy with you two as parents. I'm glad to hear things are going'll be here before you know it! Also, thanks for your insight on my blog...
