Wednesday, May 20, 2009

12 weeks to go...

I know that I have been absent for 2 months! Lots has happened since then, and I will be back on more regular basis from now on, as I want to start a scrapbook for Baby C and thought some of the blog entries would work great in the scrapbook. Here are some highlights of the past 8 weeks:

  • I was able to see Baby C again on the ultrasound. I had an unscheduled doctor's appointment for some minor spotting. I had to go in for my Rhogram shot since I am Rh-(basically my blood and the baby's blood can't mix, so if I have any bleeding, trauma, etc I have to get a shot to build up my antibodies), they ended up do a Non stress Test to make sure I was not having contractions(which I wasn't). They also wanted to a PAP and an internal to make sure I was not dilated(I wasn't) but the doctor said my cervix was unusually high and wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure nothing was pushing up against it(it wasn't). So anyways, that is how I got to see my baby again. B was not there :( so he did not get to see it, but I got some pictures to bring home for him. We also got confirmation that Baby C is still a boy!
  • I traveled to Kansas City for a four day meeting for work. I even had some free time to pick up a super cute comfy pair of sandals at Nordstorms and enjoy dinner on the plaza!
  • B got a new job!!! He no longer works at Wells Fargo and has started at Nationwide. He no longer works Saturdays!!
  • We went to the first farmers market of the season, and had a great time eating breakfast, doing some shopping, and watching people. We have plans to go back again this weekend!
  • We enjoyed a long lunch on the patio at Gateway Market, a bonfire with friends, a wonderful steak dinner with my parents at Rubes, a fun shopping trip, and a long Sunday drive all in one weekend!
  • We celebrated Mother's Day weekend by going to Pella to meet up with one of my best friends T for Tulip time. We had a great time catching up and enjoying all the yummy food. B treated me to dinner out that night at a favorite Mexican place El Patio. On Mother's Day B made a big breakfast that included my favorite...french toast. I then read magazine out in the sun all afternoon and enjoy a yummy dinner at my neighbors.
  • Our golden retriever S, is a big brother! Nope, not to Baby C but to our good friends A and M's new puppy. They got him at the same place we got S, and he has the same parents!
  • Speaking of S, he almost fell out of our car window while we were driving down the road a few weeks ago. He was in the back hanging is head out the window, when B looked back and saw that he had rolled the window down all the way and had his whole front half of his body out the window. Think Marley and Me! We will never go anyplace without the window locks on again!
  • My little sister M graduated from high school last weekend! My other sister E graduated from the U of I!
  • We got a new wall decal for Baby C's room
  • I definitely have a bump now! This is me at 27 weeks!

  • Baby C has a name!! B and I finally agreed on a name. It is top secret until his birthday though!!
  • He love to move and dance around in my tummy. I feel him all day at work and I can see my tummy moving when I lay down at night. So far, he really does not wake me up at night with his movements. Let's hope that continues when he is an outside baby!! A mom can always hope, right?!?!
  • I will be 28 weeks tomorrow. That means roughly 12 more weeks to go. We are excited and nervous all at the same time!!
  • They canceled our birthing class today. We are having trouble finding another we can go to. Might have to just use the trusty Internet as a resource and watch some videos on there.
  • We found out that Baby C will be having lots of friends his age. We know somebody having babies every month from now until December! Congrats to all the other momma's and daddy's to be!!
I will be back soon with more updates and tales from the womb!!

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