Monday, September 9, 2013

What I Don't Want to Forget

I have to start by saying I am so, so happy I have this blog. I love looking back at all my posts over the last five years and being taken back to a time when Drake was just a baby and reading about the struggles we had with reflux or flipping to the post about how the doctor could not find Charlie's heartbeat at the first appointment and the relief I felt after I finally heard it. I love being able to revisit moments again and again just through the words I have written. I don't write this blog for you or my family or even for my boys. I write it selfishly for me because I never, ever want to forget these days.

What I don't want to forget right now....


The look on Drake's face as he lined up at preschool for the first time. How his face was a mix of excitement and nervousness as he stood waiting to walk to his class. How after the teacher's helper asked what his name was and started to look for his name tag and it took just a little too long for Drake's liking he looked her right in the eye and said "It starts with a D. D-R-A-K-E." How I had to fight the warm tears from spilling down my cheeks as I smiled at him with pride.

I also don't want to forget how Charlie makes me feel so crazy and happy all at the same time. How he runs into my room and grabs 2 necklaces out of my jewelry chest and runs around the house twirling them around like a mad man. How he will run as fast as he can to the toilet when you are not looking just to splash around. How he has a temper but a charm that could soften the hardest of hearts.

I don't want to forget how Drake has been saying the sweetest and most thoughtful things. "Thanks for making me cookies, mom." or "Thanks for the special date night, mom and dad." He seems to really appreciate when people do something nice for him and it could not make my momma heart happier.

I don't want to forget how Charlie loves to read this interactive book about castles and how he can't get enough of the "evil laugh" button. He pushes it over and over and over and every time the evil laugh recording stops playing he does his own evil laugh. He then does that same evil laugh about 100 times a day as he does all of the crazy things he does.

I don't want to forget the nights that I let Drake sneak into our bed and cuddle and talk long after he is supposed to be in bed. How he told me would maybe like to be a doctor like Papa when he grows up but he thinks he better be a baker instead. How his little body still fits perfectly all curled up next to me.

I don't want to forget how Charlie loves to eat. How he could spend his whole day bringing you snack and says "please" over and over IMG_2656again until you open it. How he gets the biggest smile on his face when you give him what he wants and how it is next to impossible to resist his sweet little voice.

I don't want to forget how Drake and Charlie are as brothers. How they love and adore each other. How Charlie can pretty much take down his big brother at any time but his big brother does sneaky naughty things like push Charlie when he thinks I'm not looking. I don't want to forget how Drake thinks that he is Charlie's boss and tells me "Charlie is naughty but we still love him." or "Charlie will never learn" as he shakes his head over something Charlie has done.

I don't want to forget the sounds that come from downstairs as my husband plays with our boys as I fold laundry. How our boys adore him and how he loves those boys with his whole heart. How he kisses their cheeks a million times a day and lets the words "I love you" flow freely. How he comes up with impromptu breakfast dates out for donuts and how he would spend his whole entire day on the floor playing trains and cars and superheros.

These days...I just don't ever want to forget.


  1. Great post, Katie. I totally agree--my blog is a place where I can record things I never want to forget!

  2. I have always thought Drake looked just like you and Charlie just like Ben. But, in this picture, Drake all of a sudden looks just like his Daddy to me! Love this post. You always seem to say exactly what I feel. :)

  3. This post makes me smile. So many fun things to remember.

  4. Sweet post! I raised three boys...seems like a lifetime ago...they are grown and out of the house. The youngest is 21! Enjoy every moment, it seems to slip away so quickly. Your boys are precious! Visiting from Diana's today...blessings.

  5. Thanks for stopping by Nannette! I just love being a boy mom. They are wild and crazy but so sweet and tenderhearted :)

  6. Hi Linda! I have to write them down otherwise I will forgot and these are the things I just need to be able to look back on forever.

  7. Thanks! This blog is my "diary" of sorts. :)

  8. He does look like his Daddy there! Miss you, can't wait to see you next month!
