Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I'm guilty of letting Drake eat McDonald's twice in less than 24 hours.

I'm guilty of putting Charlie in his crib and taking a hot shower and letting him cry for a few minutes.

I'm guilty of skipping pages of a bedtime book because I'm so tired.

I'm guilty of bribing my kid with candy or a cookie so he will be good at the grocery store.

I'm guilty of letting Drake  have a 'picnic' everyday at lunch in front of the tv so I can have a few quite minutes.

I'm guilty of leaving my dog outside to bark because he is driving me crazy.

I'm guilty of  telling Drake that the car cart at the grocery store is broken because I don't want to push that massive thing around.

I'm guilty of letting Drake pick out a toy at Target more times than I like to admit.

I'm guilty of dreaming about a glass of wine after the kids go to bed.

But I'm also guilty of holding my baby most od the time because I can't get enough cuddles.

And I'm guilty of spending the morning snuggling with Drake in our bed while we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

I'm also guilty of giving Drake countless kisses a day.

And taking endless amounts of pictures of Charlie with my phone.

I'm guilty of playing "Moves Like Jagger" just one more time for Drake to dance and sing too.

And of buying Charlie the cutest shirt that he just has to have.

I'm guilty of thinking my kids are the cutest and smartest and all around best kids ever.

I'm guilty of both the good and the bad.

But most importantly I'm guilty of loving my children with all my heart.


  1. Sounds like your guilty of being a good momma to me :)

  2. This one made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! I can relate to every single one! The one about McDonalds was my favorite- been there done that! And- just an FYI....Laila busts out singing Moves Like Jaguar all the time. Need to get the two of them together soon....summer break will be here in a couple weeks!
