Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Lately I have been busy.

Busy enjoying the weather. Busy going to various appointments. Busy grocery shopping and going to target for more diapers. Busy reading 50 Shades of Grey. Busy counting points for Weight Watchers. Busy trying to fit in a walk. Busy with playdates and lunches with friends.

But mostly? I have been busy soaking up every second with my 2 favorite little boys. I don't know if it because this is not my first rodeo and I 'm so much more relaxed or because Charlie is a much easier baby than Drake was, but I have so enjoyed the newborn stage this time. I've also been enjoying watching Drake become a big brother and find some more of his independence. So for right now those things that I'm busy with? They still happen because they have to but I mostly love being busy doing nothing but hanging with the boys!


  1. Totally the wonderful kind of busy :)

  2. These was an awesome being busy enjoying your life. Thanks for sharing your happy moments with us. Looking forward for more great blog.

  3. The best kind of busy in my opinion!! I am so far behind on blogging so CONGRATS of the new addition. He is adorable!

  4. A very good busy indeed! And excuse me, but how/when did Drake turn 10? He looks so grown up in these pictures- like he lost his baby face for sure. How do they grow so fast???
