Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear Drake

Dear Drake,

I can't believe that almost three months have passed since I first meet you. You surprised us by arriving 2 weeks early and coming out with a FULL head of dark thick hair. From the first second I saw you I felt a love unlike anything else I have ever felt.

You are truly a unique little guy with your crazy hair, wild eyes and infectious smile. You make it very difficult to go out in public without attracting lots of attention. I feel so blessed to be your Mommy, and thank God everyday that He picked me for this very important job.

I love how you love to have a spit rag, taggie, or blanket snuggled by your face when you sleep. I love how go crazy kicking as soon as we lay you on a blanket. I love how you look at everything around you and take it all in with your wide eyes. I love how you know my voice and have special smiles you reserve just for your Momma. I love how you look in your Daddy's arms. I love how the second we put your bib on you know a bottle is coming and you get so excited you can hardly stand it. I love the way you look when you are sleeping. I love watching you go crazy in the bath time and how your favorite part is when we pour water on your face. I love how you roll from your tummy to your back, but only if you get mad.

But most of all I love how you filled up an empty part in my heart, a part that could not be complete until you got here. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it!

Your Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Katie, that is so sweet!! I can't believe he is that old either!!! He sounds like he is such a little sweetheart :) No baby news here!! I'll keep you posted...one week and counting until my due date!!!
    Melissa Lake
