Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear Drake

Dear Drake,

I can't believe that almost three months have passed since I first meet you. You surprised us by arriving 2 weeks early and coming out with a FULL head of dark thick hair. From the first second I saw you I felt a love unlike anything else I have ever felt.

You are truly a unique little guy with your crazy hair, wild eyes and infectious smile. You make it very difficult to go out in public without attracting lots of attention. I feel so blessed to be your Mommy, and thank God everyday that He picked me for this very important job.

I love how you love to have a spit rag, taggie, or blanket snuggled by your face when you sleep. I love how go crazy kicking as soon as we lay you on a blanket. I love how you look at everything around you and take it all in with your wide eyes. I love how you know my voice and have special smiles you reserve just for your Momma. I love how you look in your Daddy's arms. I love how the second we put your bib on you know a bottle is coming and you get so excited you can hardly stand it. I love the way you look when you are sleeping. I love watching you go crazy in the bath time and how your favorite part is when we pour water on your face. I love how you roll from your tummy to your back, but only if you get mad.

But most of all I love how you filled up an empty part in my heart, a part that could not be complete until you got here. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it!

Your Mommy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Boy and His Dog

From the first day they met it was love! They both found a best friend in each other. There is nothing as sweet as a boy and his dog!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lots to Report!

We have had a BUSY and CRAZY few weeks!!
  • D has been diagnosed with reflux so we have been trying to figure out what formula works best and getting him used to taking his medicine 2 times a day. It was so sad because a couple weeks ago our happy little guy just disappeared because he was in so much pain. We are happy to report that he is slowly coming back!
  • We found out yesterday that he has thrush, so he is taking a different medicine 4 times a day for that. Let's just say that B and I have become very good at giving medicine to a 9 week old!
  • On a happier note...D is smiling A LOT and has started to smile in response to our faces and things we do and say. We are really having lots of fun with him
  • We try to do tummy time but it never lasts long as he is always rolling over to his back
  • He has really been grasping onto things lately, his toys, our fingers, really anything he can get his hands on.
  • D is a "talker" he has lots to say. I love hearing his cute little voice!
I could go on forever, but I know everybody really just wants to see the pictures so here are some of the latest!I love my Bumbo! I am the party... just ask Mom and Dad

My first trip to the pumpkin patch
                                                 Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch!

                                                           Smiling in my monkey shirt

I love working on the computer

Hanging out in my exersaucer...I'm a little small yet

Mom says no more toys until Christmas :(

All bundled up to go on a walk