Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Charlie at Almost 18 Months

Our sweet Charlie Bear is fast approaching the 18 month mark and I wanted to take a little time to talk about what he has been up to these days.


Charlie has a huge personality with a mischievous smile to match.

He has a little evil laugh that he unleashes as he does something he is not suppose to.


He makes Drake cry almost everyday by beating up on him or just bugging the heck out of him.

Charlie very rarely cries  as it takes a lot to get under his skin.


He takes a 2-3 hour nap every afternoon and sleeps from 7 pm to 7 or 8 am.

He loves his blankie and his paci and can often be found sneaking both out of his crib.


He is talking more and more everyday. His favorite words are  dog, momma,  side (outside) and uh-oh.  He probably knows at least 40-50 words and sometimes puts 2 words together.

He still likes to eat and would probably live off of cheese, bananas, and go-go squeezes if I let him.


He really likes to drink out of a straw.

He likes to play cars and superheros with his brother. Skinner is his best friend and the first thing he asks for when he wakes up. Charlie could spend all day outside if we let him.


Our Char-Char is sneaky and loves to throw things in the toilet or the trash requiring us to never take our eyes off of him.

He loves to be held and points to things he wants us to take him to see.


Charlie could spend all day outside if we let him. He loves to swim and swing and has learned how to climb the ladder of the swingset and go down the slide.

Charlie loves to go shopping with me. He sits in the cart and flirts with every person we pass by.


This boy is full of spunk and charm. We just love him to pieces and have had so much fun watching him and grow.

Love you Charlie Bear!

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